How to play cello best

How to play cello best

Playing cello is not easy. If you want to play the cello well, you have to follow these steps.

Step 1: You have to be ready.

  1. Prepare the chair, sheet music, and music stand in place
  2. Wash your hands because the oil from your hands can damage the cello and strings.
  3. Open the cello case and remove the cello.

Step 2: Tuning cello

You need a correct pitch. If you don’t do this part, You won’t have a good practice result. Sometimes I use my ear to tuning, but if you want to be correctly, you need to use the tuner.

Step 3: Pair of hands put on the cello

Before you play you need to put your hands correctly. If you are right-handed, The left is on the neck.The right hand will hold the bow.

Step 4: Warm-Up

You will pull the bow back and forth, and practice scales. After you warm up your hands, you can practice a song. To start, practice an easy song as part of your warm up.

Step 5: Do your main song

First, you need to know the structure of the song.

Second, you have to practice for a while.

Third, do the whole song one time.

Step 6: Add more emotion body language.

You need to know which section you need to add emotion. This can help people clearly know what do you want to express. You can use size, sound, speed, and other ways to accomplish this.

Step 7: Just remember, after your practice, you need to wipe down the cello with a dry cloth.

After you follow these steps and become better, you will enjoy the music you produce and others may even enjoy it, too.


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